You can modify all column values that meet the recoding criteria you specify. Recoded values are placed in a destination column. (Values that don’t meet recoding criteria also appear in the destination column but remain unchanged.) Recoding criteria and results can be alphanumeric or numeric.
Step 1
Choose Recode from the Data menu.
Step 2
Select the name of the column you want to recode.
Step 3
Choose a relational operator from the first pop-up menu, then enter a value or range value to use with the relational operator. Relational operators are as follows:
• Equal to (=)
• Not equal to (!=)
• Greater than (>)
• Greater than or equal to (>=)
• Less than (<)
• Less than or equal to (<=)
Step 4
Click a button for the logical operator you want to use for recoding:
• If this is the only parameter for recoding, click Only.
• If you are going to enter a second recoding parameter, click And or Or.
Step 5
Choose a relational operator from the second pop-up menu, then enter a value or range value to use with the relational operator.
Step 6
Next to Become, enter the new value to which data in the selected column will be recoded if the equation is true—this value can be numeric or alphanumeric.
Step 7
Under Put Results In, specify the name of the destination column for the recoded values, then click OK.